Idiocy schism

A teaching practice used by educators to inflict their will on students. Motivated by self-importance, tragic dismissal, and the intoxication of authority to promote a self-identity or group-identity. Relying on the fear of being insubordinate, disrespectful to authority, or being labeled intolerant, these practitioners of perceived legitimacy push a selfish agenda on children or young adults newly separated from their parents who are easily influenced. Emboldened by the belief their authority is absolute therefore their words will not be challenged. A factor of existential consequences.

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About Shawn Paul Cosner 34 Articles
Being an avid photographer and writer Shawn set out to recruit other writers to create a website that is dedicated to spreading useful, thoughtful, and encouraging information. He is an ARMY Veteran, patriot, and a human rights activist. Understanding the value of volunteering, he helped organize and run a non-profit organization that contributed to the betterment of the youth in his community. He holds a Bachelor's Degree from WVU, attended Graduate School at ETSU and has a Masters and Juris Doctor from ASL. He also is a licensed contractor and was able to secure nearly $8 million dollars worth of contracts through the Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business set-aside program. His greatest accomplishment and his guiding light is his son, Owen Carter Cosner.