To overcome these threats, it will take determination and the ability to work together. Do not take the hate that divided us the last few years into our new reality. In doing so you will add to the extreme difficulty of rebuilding after the fallout. We are not enemies but if you forever treat your enemy as an enemy, they so shall remain. Arguing about politics or blaming someone is not helping and will not solve anything. We will hold those accountable when we get through the immediate crisis.
Actors, entertainers, musicians, and athletes, you now live in a reality that you must understand- You possess no skills to command that type of respect or paycheck. The world has been moving on without you and will continue to do so. While most of you, not all, are held up in your 10 million-dollar mansions, the poorest of us are working to ensure that the masses have food and other necessities. I’m sure future generations will look back and think to themselves, “People were paid how much to play sports???”
It has always baffled me that they made so much money for something that doesn’t matter. You are not bad people, but our population has found a false sense of security by looking to you as our heroes. Role models for sometimes but heroes, I question that. I promise you no one is going to yell, “Hey, grab your basketball shoes and let’s beat this threat.” Because we lost track of what a hero is, we went from a society that worked to survive to a society that works to be entertained. We have created a dangerous reality, one that removed the basic life skills of survival, forever putting our very livelihood in danger.
A hero is someone who will do things others are not willing to do, even if it may cost them their life. The real heroes, the ones we should thank are; doctors, nurses, EMT, all people employed by our healthcare system, leaders, soldiers, police officers, truck drivers, coal miners, construction workers, engineers, retail workers, business owners, and anyone that gets up and works their ass off to provide a service that actually matters. God bless you all, I love you. You are and forever will remain my heroes!!! We need you now more than ever.
This Country is the greatest. Not because of the people, the location, or the bad ass National Anthem. All those things are fantastic and add to the value but what America represents makes this place the greatest. America represents an idea!!! It represents everything that is good in humankind. An idea that was fought for, grown, and evolved into what it is today. I am not saying our government is the best, I am saying America as a thought is the greatest and we must do everything to protect it.
The United States Government and America are two separate things. One is a thought and the other is an entity. The government is operated by people. Because of that, at times, it is riddled with corruption, incompetence, and ignorance. Sometimes we forget that. The government is granted and only keeps its power through the people. The government will not save us. If you are looking for help, assurance, and hope – look no further than each other. We are the answer.
We have the ability to change this and help each other. So many people are scared to lose their job or fear the inability to pay their bills and that is understandable. Because of this they will continue to go to work spreading this virus. Don’t blame them. Most do not have an option.
We live a life of excess. American’s have so much we actually build storage buildings to store our unused items. We also have a large amount of money and food in this country in private hands. Imagine if the fortunate gave money and food to those who are less fortunate? If people haven’t realized what’s going to happen shortly, the dollar will not have value. Value is something that is given by people to objects. At what point does the dollar stop feeding you? Money has value for now, but when it ceases to have value by people, money won’t serve a purpose. If you have 100 million dollars in a world that no longer puts value in a dollar, what will you buy?
Right now, if we give as much as possible to those less fortunate, they could stay home from work. This would slow the spread of the virus allowing our health professionals and scientists to beat this thing. Shortly your money may not have value. What do you have to lose? All the wealthy who can afford to stay home should help fund unemployment and give food to those who are without.
This is not socialism!! No government is forcing you to give anyone anything. It is kindness, it represents everything good in people, everything good in America. Standing for those who cannot stand for themselves. Like soldiers, law enforcement, and healthcare professionals. People are willing to kneel to take a stand during the national anthem but not rise up to save each other.
We are a people who value the wrong things. Some of our elected officials care more about the all mighty dollar than human life. How many politicians sold stocks after learning about the threat? How many continue to value the economy over lives? How many are still worrying how to keep the status quo? Shame on them…
This isn’t about the coroanvirus itself. Yes, it’s dangerous and yes thousands more will die. We have other concerns as well. Maybe you should start thinking about those.
Don’t panic just be prepared. Get your mind right before it’s too late. If you can think of it, it may happen. Just please take this a bit more serious if you haven’t already. All the talk of doctors not sounding the alarm over other illnesses in the past is spot on. They didn’t mobilize like this because the other outbreaks were not as dangerous. Not sure if everyone has been watching the same event unfold but Italy is us in a few weeks. Don’t let it get there!!!
Also, if you are not a doctor shut your mouth. You have never studied medicine and should never try to pass ignorance off as intelligence. You don’t know what’s going to happen. Further, you all have been wrong this entire time up to this point.
If you don’t believe this is real, it’s kind of a moot point to argue with you anymore because its happening. Whether or not you accept this is irrelevant. No matter how many memes you share downplaying this and comparing to other illnesses, it doesn’t matter. It changes nothing!!!
I can’t do anything. I do not possess any skills or knowledge that can help us get through this. I feel helpless but I still want to fight this. I don’t know what else to do, but sitting around complaining, doing nothing hasn’t worked. Pretending that my life is normal and continuing to live a life as if nothing is going on around me is too much. I can’t sit here and watch people suffer as I am living in peace.
My name is Shawn Cosner and I will die to defend this way of life and the people in it. I am willing to take a stand. I don’t have much. What I do have, that I consider extra, I will give to those so they can stay home and not worry about paying bills or the inability to feed their family. Give and donate what ever you can for those in need. Hopefully love, caring, and compassion can become a bottomless pit of relief for those who so desperately need it.
If we get enough people to give a few dollars or food we can help keep the American workforce at home. People must sacrifice. We can’t sit here and watch our healthcare professionals get overwhelmed and our health system collapse. If you’re not willing to give everything to protect our way of life then, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? If you live a pampered life, I would imagine you have a lot more motivation to keep our way of life from changing, allowing the status quo to remain. Please give what you can.
I don’t know how or when this will end. Nor am I overly confident, at the moment, that our people will unite when it matters. I believe the good in all of us is necessary right now. What are you doing to help? It breaks my heart that the place I love so much is full of ignorant hateful people. Shame on us.
This country our citizens have been through the unimaginable. Very few places can claim what our people were able to do and overcome. The American Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the Spanish flu, WWI, the Great Depression WWII, Korean War, Vietnam, Gulf war, 9/11. This is not an exhaustive list but after we reacted and worked together, those events changed the world for the better. We have always had threats and what brought us through them was-our people.
This will not be easy, and we will overcome as we always do, united. We must remember the path to any type of success is through leadership, communication, and understanding. We cannot turn our backs on one another nor can we continue to create a deeper divide. Be the CHANGE. Lead from the FRONT. Practice the GOLDEN RULE. Ask yourself, “What can I do to help?” Then do it. Please share and pass it on.
God Bless us, God bless America, and God Bless the World.
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