Being an American is not a right it is a privilege and an honor. A privilege that is extended to people who share and resemble some likeness of America’s core values. We should not devalue what it means to be an American by letting the masses into the country without great consideration. This is not racist, its common sense and a feeling that is necessary from all.
Patriotism and a sense of pride for one’s country should not be met with such hostility and unnecessary questions of motives. We want to protect our country. We have pride because we know how great these United States are. We are proud because we are unique and our thoughts create the allowance of differences. To keep this country’s greatness we should and must refuse those who do not share our values.
Colleges do not hand out degrees to people who fail to earn them. Businesses do not hand out positions to those who are not qualified. If they would participate in this type of liberal behavior, it would remove the value and the legitimacy of what each entity offers. A college degree and an employed position are both earned. They both hold value.
Why are we allowing the removal of value from what is arguably the most valuable thing in the world. Being an American is a highly sought after status and because of this we must hold people to high standards and not hand it out to those undeserving. We already have enough of our own people acting in ways that are unacceptable and to be honest, UN-American, why would we want more?
If we continue to be relaxed in respect to our standards and forget what it means to be American, it will lose value. Let us remember why and what made this nation so valuable. The term melting pot has great meaning as America set out to change the world. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
You add all different ingredients into one pot, heat, stir, and soon after something great is created. From many, into one. What happens if one of the ingredients is spoiled? Do you still use it and if so what happens when you do? Before you use the ingredients, usually some care is given in respect to the quality of each. When you use ingredients that are questionable, the results are usually undesirable.
Apply this logic and analogy to the ingredients in our pot, our country, and our way of life. We should want the best and expect the best. This is not a political fight with lines drawn for publicity and political relevance. It is an American fight and all citizens should want to secure our best interests for our children’s future.
This nation and its values have changed the world for the better and we need to continue this change. We must not forget those who are victims of persecution and are seeking our protection. We must continue to fight for those who are unable; however, great caution needs to follow our compassion. As giving into an open border mentality has its own consequences. These consequences are in the form of violence and entitlement, which are visible throughout the world.
We are not saying you cannot be an American. We are saying, “If you want to, you should possess values, which add substance to this already great nation.”
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