"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves."
~ Abraham Lincoln ~

Quality Words and Ideas That Intrigue
Just a group of people located across the country and hopefully one day the world. We specialize in being masters of the written word. Hopefully you enjoy reading our work as much as we enjoy writing it. We must challenge everything and stop at nothing to remove ignorance.
“A government big enough to supply you with everything you need is a government big enough to take away everything that you have…. The course of history shows that as the government grows, liberty decreases.”
~ Thomas Jefferson ~

When we write, it is our hope that we may spark a thought in each individual and create understanding from a different perspective.
No great idea or sustainable change has ever been accomplished without a large amount of people spreading the word.
Habit forming is a great thing, especially when it has positive results.
read-share-repeat, read-share-repeat
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning.”
~ Frederick Douglass ~
This site is reserved for critical thinking, unique thoughts, current events, or any other content that we feel is worth a share. Of course we can’t forget to criticize those of influential status who are deserving when they violate expectations of society.
Please take this journey with us and allow these thoughts to have a small amount of legitimacy in your life. We will not dismiss other perspectives and will always respect different opinions. Please extend the same courtesy, as we believe respect is reciprocal and very necessary so we can live aside one another.
We are for equal rights. This does not mean the hypocritical kind that exists to better a single group. Everyone is equal and should only be judged by their actions. Personal accountability and acknowledgement of consequences from personal choices needs to be recognized. Let us be responsible and teach future generations that all actions have consequences.
The concept for this experiment was a way for us to express concern with the way society misrepresents fair and balanced. We believe there is a better way. We must be open to other unique perspectives and allow those differences to exist aside our own. A failure to do this will result in the continuation of hate and divisiveness across the world.
Of course we cant always be serious. Included in our differing perspectives will be fun items. Please read for enjoyment and also use these as informative items so you may educate yourself.
“The ruling of men is the effort to direct the individual actions of many persons toward some end. This end theoretically should be the greatest good of all, but no human group has ever reached this ideal because of ignorance and selfishness”
~ W. E. B. Du Bois ~
When we write, it is our hope that we may spark a thought in each individual and create understanding from a different perspective.
No great idea or sustainable change has ever been accomplished without a large amount of people spreading the word.
Habit forming is a great thing, especially when it has positive results.
read-share-repeat, read-share-repeat
“The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either.”
~ Benjamin Franklin ~
~ S.P. Wood ~
"I imagine a good death is one in which I surrender my life so another may keep theirs."