Mega Crab Meat Cheat Sheet

In Boom Beach, defeating the enemy crab at higher levels requires strategic planning, a well-upgraded base, and a skilled approach to attacking. The Mega Crab event can be challenging, but here are some general tips to help you defeat the crab in Boom Beach.

My name is Captain Dad, better known as Jone Paul Jones. I am the best medium navy captain Boom Beach has. I play for fun while being better than some and worse than others. If you want to see your name on the leaderboards with the Mega Crab, you must do these ten things: 

  1. Statue selection is essential. It would be best if you ran reds, gunboat energy is for solo hits and operations in a task force. There is plenty of GBE to farm. Also, you must boost all your statues. Don’t worry; a level 100 or 160 push will net you over 100 powders and over 1000 diamonds.
  2. Destroying as little as possible to defeat the level. Before you attack, scout and think about the best way to get to the core. It is likely you must destroy anything that threatens your battle-positioned troops. Often, “time” becomes your enemy at the higher levels.  Be mindful of this. If you are around the core and your troops are not directly attacking at 30 seconds, you must take action and flare.
  3. Smart flares. You must realize what happens when you do decide to move the troops. Each troop reacts differently, and all have different speeds when flared. A shock launcher or a laser can melt all high attack troops.
  4. You must figure out what troops will give you the best opportunity to win on the individual level. If the stage consists of nothing but cannons and sniper towers, all scorchers will likely cost you attacks you cannot afford to waste. Sometimes, you must delay landing crafts filled with different types of troops. Back to number 2.
  5. Do not waste attacks. You must have over 100 solo hits; if you cannot get these, it is likely your numbers will stay low. Not a bad thing, just a thing. Limits are eventually goals that are overcome.
  6. Similar as above but different, do not three hit any level. Those will keep you from reaching the leaderboards.
  7. Max troops. Realizing you won’t get high numbers unless you are maxed out is essential. The game is made to reward higher-level players. The journey from a newbie to a top 1000 player in the world is complex and takes time. Upgrade the armory and everything in it, including landing crafts fast. The better the level better the score.
  8. Max out your tribes. Many times, their boost adds that extra oomph needed. The game’s creators will give you a slight advantage if you pay attention. Troops boosts are there for a reason as well.
  9. Buy the instant troops. If you don’t have this, you will never get anywhere. Remember, this is a business. I remember the first crab; now they are monthly. It is a way for them to make an ungodly amount of currency, so realistically speaking, they entice you with leaderboard glory and self-satisfaction to talk you out of your money. It is very important to know this, and it’s eerily similar to gambling. Be cautious.
  10. It would be best to devote time to attack the crab specifically. To achieve or earn a top 50 in your country and the top 500 in the world, you must give constant time. At least five continuous boost sessions. This means that you should be attacking for the entire three hours you are boosted. And this should occur three or five times. You must find a space to do this uninterrupted and focus on the game. It is incredibly time-consuming but necessary if you want to

Finally, I will offer you a gem if you are not aware. “Monkey see/monkey do.” If you want to see what the best players in the world are running, troop-wise, look at their base. Their loadout will be there. Also, you can do this for warships as well to see base loadouts. Eventually, you will understand how the game works on your own. But until then, use all available resources.

To Summarize

To be at the top end, you will likely devote 10 to 20 hours of constant play. Use the speed-up function when you can. Also, I found being in a boom mind state is essential. Successful attacks occur when you are in your flow. You will unlikely be able to attack to achieve high levels casually. 

Well, this is at least a top ten to create a roadmap. It’s not exhaustive, but it should give a relatively good understanding of the process to attack the crab. I’ve been in many TF’s and am always asked what I do and how I do it. You definitely are not required to do this. But this will aid in your booming addiction.

You may have some experience and can add other things, Which is great; add a comment or keep it to yourself. However, if are wondering why you are unable to reach higher levels and if what I said is something you are not willing to do or unable to do, then it is unlikely you will be in the diamond areas or beyond.  Other players are better and may have more experience, higher knowledge, or greater wisdom than me, but I’ve been at the table a time or two. Remember:

1 through 10

1 statues, 2 smart level assessments, 3 be aware of the flare, 4 appropriate troop assignments, 5 attacking efficiency, 6 no three attacks, 7 maxed out troops, 8 maxed out tribes, 9 instant troops, 10 time devotion

Mega Crab stages can get progressively more challenging, so adapt your strategy as you progress. Additionally, Boom Beach is a dynamic game, and strategies may evolve with updates, so stay informed about the latest changes to ensure optimal gameplay.

These are not difficult to understand, but if you wonder why others are doing what you can’t, these top ten things are what separates you from them. Stay focused and keep going. With some skill, adherence to a basic plan, and time, you’ll be feasting on the rare crab meat in no time.  Happy Booming

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