Why Are Our Leaders Continuing To Fail US?

Throughout history humankind looks for guidance, clarity, and reassurance from those who are in position of influence in hopes these few will aid in the eventual end to whatever clear and present danger society faces. 

These individuals are not many.  All, “true”, leaders make decisions not for the ease of implementing them or how the choices are perceived by others but for the benefit of many, even in the face of not maintaining the status quo.

Competent leaders perceive threats and have an innate ability to foresee the path needed to guide those who they represent.  The task to lead comes with varying levels of difficulty.  The majority of most leaders very seldom face a crisis outside the normal parameters of society and are never tested.  This creates a danger to those they lead.  When this danger involves human life, the threat is magnified and the urgency to find great leaders becomes the utmost of importance.

I, as so many others, watched this from its infancy only to see it grow and create chaos all over the world.  I watched leaders, some I respect and some I even know, completely fail and make this much worse by not acting continuing to make the wrong decisions.  Your loyalty to an entity, the status quo, or anything other than human life offends me.  You do not deserve the respect that your position is given and maybe you shouldn’t hold that position.

Not all those who serve as leaders are deserving of this criticism.  The ones who made the conscious decision to ignore this threat or downplay this as nothing more than a flu are deserving of nothing less than intense criticism.  You know who you are.  I hope the inability to act keeps you up at night.  If it doesn’t, you’re definitely the problem and exactly who I am criticizing. 

Country by country, state by state, city by city, the same errors continue repeating.  We are witnessing systemic failures around the world from those in power who possess the authority to change the trajectory of this threat.  These failures will come at a very heavy cost.  This cost will not be measured by economic plunges or calendar days of societal shutdowns but the loss of human life.  And, it will be remembered by the failures of those put in positions to lead us.

Why are we still operating as if United States will be any different than other places this virus has consumed?  We are not better because we are Americans.  We are not immune to this threat.  This is not something that will end in weeks.  Please acknowledge that this is just the beginning and stop convincing people that this pandemic will be easy.  This will get much worse.

Whoever you are, wherever you may be, please stand up.  We are searching for the leaders who humanity so desperately needs.  We are looking for guidance, for help, and for the love of God a “true” leader to show us a path out of this pandemic.

We need you to stop operating as reactive sheep.  If you are a person who possesses authority, and have the power and influence please, for the benefit of people everywhere, SHUT DOWN MOVEMENT.

I am not a Doctor nor a Scientist who specializes in infectious diseases/viruses.  I don’t know what is necessary to fight this pandemic medically but I know what it will take in addition to that.  A leader, someone who leads from the front.  Someone who will infer this virus is one of a kind and not normal, implementing an appropriate response.  A leader who is not motivated by economics or a minor inconvenience to someone’s routine, but by protecting human life.  

This is not normal, as such, our response should not be normal.  Society should not continue living life as everything is normal.  If we continue to live normally, shame on us and if our leaders allow us live normally, shame on them.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all who are affected by this.  I am very empathetic and it saddens me that selfish people continue to operate out of ignorance.  You may never contract this virus or not die from testing positive, but others will.  You should be ashamed of yourselves. 

This will require the best from us.  Let us rise to the occasion and stop the selfishness.  Time, patience, and some separation from our routine, will level the playing field allowing our fantastic medical professionals to solve this pandemic.  Leaders, please aid them in this fight and allow them to do this.

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About Shawn Paul Cosner 33 Articles
Being an avid photographer and writer Shawn set out to recruit other writers to create a website that is dedicated to spreading useful, thoughtful, and encouraging information. He is an ARMY Veteran, patriot, and a human rights activist. Understanding the value of volunteering, he helped organize and run a non-profit organization that contributed to the betterment of the youth in his community. He holds a Bachelor's Degree from WVU, attended Graduate School at ETSU and has a Masters and Juris Doctor from ASL. He also is a licensed contractor and was able to secure nearly $8 million dollars worth of contracts through the Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business set-aside program. His greatest accomplishment and his guiding light is his son, Owen Carter Cosner.


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