Facts of Our Fictions and Fictions of Our Facts

Corrosion is very destructive and if it is allowed to continue, it will destroy all it comes into contact with.  We live in a time of unknown truths.  I try to read and consume as much media as I can to be a well-informed American Citizen.  If you know what the responsibility of an American Citizen is, that would make sense to you.  This will be another topic for a later date, as I feel strongly about the accountability of my fellow Americans.  If you do not feel strongly about this country, maybe you should reconsider your residency of, but I digress…

My point, before I lost focused, I am overdosing on information.  I do not have the ability to understand and differentiate what is true from untrue.  Is Trump a racist?  Is Hillary a criminal?  Why pain medicine is bad and why is alcohol consumption acceptable?  These questions and the answers that follow are all relative to the perception, position, and perspective of the individual.

If knowledge is power, is the power’s legitimacy reflective of the information received?  I am unable to stomach the continued forced consumption of different flavors of Koolaid. When journalistic integrity is substituted for exposure, a paycheck, or a line drawn from political intolerance.  What should I do?  I cannot be the only person in this modern society to find flaw in our news media status-quo.  The current landscape reflects corruption and the spread of misinformation in the form of propaganda garbage.  All sides, regardless of what channel you watch, spread lies.

If government intelligence is a widely accepted oxymoron, journalistic integrity is nearing its equal.  What is a responsible consumer to do?  I am very skeptical of Fox News and CNN, as they both talk bad about each other speaking of a truth, their truth.  If a person’s media is consumed by either one and both claim accuracy and non-bias….do you see where I am going?  Therefore, the short of the matter is, Conservatives consume Fox News and Liberals consume CNN.  Both sides are very intolerable toward each other and this influences the tone of their media.  What am I supposed to do?

I will continue to operate in a manner of skepticism and stay vigilant in my attempt to never be persuaded by an organization, who serves their own self-interest.  I challenge all media outlets to report only factual news and remove any political leaning flavor so we may be a society of a well-informed citizenry.  Not a society, who is divided, based on news controlled and influenced by powerful puppet masters from either side. {Or puppeteer, not sure what is right but either will do}

Please report the facts, let us decide, and for the love of everything holy, quit applying so much make up to your face, all genders… Bill O’reilly accept the role of a distinguished gentleman.

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About Shawn Paul Cosner 33 Articles
Being an avid photographer and writer Shawn set out to recruit other writers to create a website that is dedicated to spreading useful, thoughtful, and encouraging information. He is an ARMY Veteran, patriot, and a human rights activist. Understanding the value of volunteering, he helped organize and run a non-profit organization that contributed to the betterment of the youth in his community. He holds a Bachelor's Degree from WVU, attended Graduate School at ETSU and has a Masters and Juris Doctor from ASL. He also is a licensed contractor and was able to secure nearly $8 million dollars worth of contracts through the Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business set-aside program. His greatest accomplishment and his guiding light is his son, Owen Carter Cosner.

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