Demonstrations and protests which turn to violence have no place in this country. Freedom of assembly, is an assembly of peaceful people sharing a common cause. This garbage, wherever it comes from is disgusting. What’s more bothersome is the allowance of it to continue. If you assault someone verbally or physically for a difference of opinion, what does that say about you?
Have we lost our minds and our common decency for one another? What happened to treating people with respect? Everyone should be outraged and disgusted by the continued behavior of those who act in a way that is unbecoming of what it means to be an American. This behavior, whether from a politician or a supporter of, or just those wanting to incite violence needs to end. It cannot continue and if we allow it to, shame on us. For individuals, will only do what they are allowed to.
What causes this divisiveness and how can we minimize its prominence? I offer a few thoughts. From these, I believe, constructive dialogue and mutual respect can be attained. These thoughts are not absolute as they are only represented in my perspective of observations.
First, we must understand a liberal vs conservative or democrat vs republican position is not responsible for America’s current divided state. It is possible for all sides to work together civilly to create positive change but also retain personal and often different convictions. It is a choice to treat others disrespectfully. This choice, one that acknowledges others as unimportant and the inability to respect an opinion, which may differ from your own, causes unnecessary tension. From this tension comes the polarization of what is considered right or wrong. The truth, right or wrong is word association and perspective, nothing more. We must acknowledge this fact and view each other as more than being different, right or wrong.
At one time, I was under the impression; America celebrated our differences, viewed others as equals, and allowed these differences to be an alternative to what others may believe. It is disheartening to learn that I may have been mistaken. The America I swore an oath to defend represented all that is good in the world and all that I would give my life for. Does that America exist? Was it an illusion and a lie I was told as a child, to help justify all the negatives within.
Whatever the case, all alternatives deserve respect, relevance, and recognition of importance. Even if those differences fail to align with your own. A continued view that contradicts this statement is extremely arrogant, irresponsible, and will do nothing more but continue to divide us. Like the great Martin Luther King Jr., I also have a dream. Mine represents the greatness of what our country can be.
To be an American is to be a civil rights activist. To allow any type of discrimination to continue in our modern society is idiotic and childish. All Americans deserves protection from discrimination or any form of violence. This is undeniable and should be easily agreed upon. For America to continue to evolve, a new type of American must be created. This new American must have the ability to think critically, have the ability to examine all facts logically, and the intestinal fortitude to criticize those within their subgroup. The current status-quo is not working. Our continued path is irresponsible, reckless, and counterproductive. Something needs to change.
Great leaders, will lead from the front and set a proper example. They will exhibit attributes, which show compassion, empathy, and understanding. At the same time, they will stand for others and fight against all unjust isms. From this behavior comes a subconscious mimicking process. Large public exposure equals large public influence. If our leaders chose to lead in a manner that is foolish, what will occur are followers who do the same. This type of behavior and the breakdown of a civilized society is occurring all across our nation. We have leaders who promote this negative behavior and it is not exclusive to just one side of the aisle or a particular industry/profession. With great power and influence, comes great responsibility and accountability. America needs to find moral error instead of placing moral blame.
As I believe in my way of life so much, I will protect any other alternative just as fierce, as if my own existence and belief system was threatened. This is a call or battle cry if you will, to those who are also tired of the obstructionism, divisiveness, and all around unnecessary behavior, which prevents our society from achieving progress. Whatever you believe is irrelevant but one thing you need to understand, all opinions and all people matter.
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